Thursday, February 23, 2017

My morning routine

 I really enjoy my mornings and the routine that I got used to. The first thing that I do when I wake up is to cuddle Micho and give him lot's of kisses. Then I make the bed and slip in my comfortabe slippers and robe.

 After that I brush my teeth and wash my face and moisturize with some almond baby oil. This is about the time that Alex wakes up and I can hear him crying for me. I give him lots of kisses and play with him a little and then we go down to the kitchen where I prepare his breakfast. I feed him and dress him and then I prepare my breakfast which is usually some rye bread with chocolate or cereal and a hot water with lemon and some stevia. I have a coffee later although it's usually a decaf. I check my email and read the news while I eat my breakfast and Alex plays with his toys. Micho usually likes to go in the garden for couple of minutes ( for his morning routine too haha but he doesn't go for a walk till later in the afternoon.) Then I get all the work emails done and I get dressed and put some make up on (or not depends on my mood and the day) and we go outside to play. Some days I go completely without make up although if I go to the city I usually put on a mascara at least. We usually spend the late morning playing in the garden on my days off. I love those days with him.

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