Thursday, August 10, 2017

Autumn or Fall we get excited all

I know it's only August but I am already getting excited about the fall. It is my favorite season and I already started a countdown haha. I can't wait for the beautiful colors and the crisp air to come.
I even made a bucket list of things to do this autumn!I thought I'd share them with you.
So here we go:
Bucket list for fall 2017

1. Go apple picking at a local orchard

2.Decorate your porch with fall flair to sip a hot cocoa on

3.Take a fall foliage bike ride

4.Knit a fall scarf

5. Stay in an Inn with view of fall foliage

6.Visit a local candle shop

7.Bake a pumpkin bread

8.Craft with fallen leaves

9.Bring a fresh pie to a neighbour
Spread the fall cheer by delivering a freshly made pie to a neighbour in need

10.Open the windows to let the crisp air in

11.Go window shopping

In France they actually call it window licking. Halloween is not as big of a holiday in France as it is in US but the French do love to dress their windows in a very fashionable artsy way. So to see the windows in autumnal colors and even with Halloween decor in any town in France is usually an artistic experience.From chocolate shops to clothes shops they all make it look pretty or tastefully scary!

12.Go for a walk in the forest to pick the mushrooms
Need an excuse to spend some quiet time in the forest?

13.Watch a scary movie under cozy blankets alone or with your favorite companion.

14.Go to a haunted house

15. Go antiquing for cozy decorating finds

16.Toast pumpkin seeds

17.Go for a walk on a foggy morning

18. Infuse every drink with a apple pie/cinnamon flavour

19.Use an old sweater as a crafting material

20.Make dinner inside a pumpkin "bowl"

21.Create a new fall scent for your home

22.Go for a weekend Getaway in the mountains

23.Master your pie recipes

24.Cook with squash

25.Decorate your home with seasonal touches

26.Sip warm apple cider on a porch
27.Bundle up in your favorite sweater scarf and boots

28.Take your family to a fall festival

29.Add pumpkin to your popular recipes

30.Hang a pretty wreath on your front door

 31. Put the fairy lights on
As the days get shorter and darker it always creates a little more magic.

 32. Travel to your favorite autumnal places

 33.Go for horse ride to admire the beauty of the landscape
Or go to a farm and feed the horses, goats, sheep, just get close to animals and the nature.

 34.Go for a train ride
even if it's just a couple of stops to admire the fall foliage from the train can be pretty relaxing too.

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